Did Meals with Meaning serve 300 meals on Thanksgiving day? Yes. Did we give food to those who were hungry? Yes. But on this day that the government has marked as a day to give, thanks was much more than feeding the hungry. 

Thanks to our many partnerships in the community, we were connected with Lucky Horse Sanctuary. They asked if we could help bless the residents of Fellowship Recovery in Margate with our delicious and love-filled food. Rose and the team enthusiastically said yes! Hot meals complete with turkey, all the sides, and 15 pies were shared with more than 100 residents!

In addition to adding Fellowship Recovery to the list of recipients, our 4 volunteer drivers delivered food to 16 individual homes. One of our volunteer drivers, a long-time member of St. Gregory's, said this about the day:

“There was nothing but gracious "thank you's" shared by all our delivery recipients. This was a meaningful display of Christian and Episcopalian hospitality and generosity—and one that no congregation other than St Gregory’s could have executed, period. Not to mention the warmth and elegance that went right along with the process. Amidst a world where a lot is askew currently, thank you for showcasing all that is right”.

Just as our guests consisted of diverse members of the community, so was our volunteer team. Fellow Christians, Jews, and Agnostics all joined together in serving kindness. 

A big thank you to Rose Vallee for leading the kitchen team and to our tireless volunteers Anna Thomas, Magdy Tadros, and Sue Vallee. Kathy Cottrell paired her talents with Donamarie Vallee to create a beautiful welcoming courtyard for our guests. And to ALL of the amazing volunteers who give so much of themselves both on Thanksgiving - and throughout the year - thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do.

I give thanks to Fr Andrew and St. Gregory’s for allowing Meals with Meaning to continue to “showcase all that is right”. As the Book of Common Prayer states, “It is right and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere, to give you thanks, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth” (pg 361). 

May we all continue to give thanks to our God of goodness by caring for one another. 



Click here to watch a Meals with Meaning video that provides a glimpse of what was shared with all that came into the Hamister Courtyard on Thanksgiving Day. 

Dawn Rahicki