Easter Music and Flower Dedications

Help Make St. Gregory's Easter Services Even More Memorable While Honoring Your Loved Ones

Donations are currently being welcomed for Easter Music and Flowers, enriching our holiday services with beautiful music and floral arrangements. These offerings are a meaningful way to honor, celebrate, or remember someone special to you while also helping St. Gregory’s offset the increased costs of our Easter services.

Consider donating as a gesture of thanks, love, or remembrance. The last Sunday to place these envelopes in the offering plate is Sunday, April 6. The donating online deadline is Monday, April 7:

Please fill out the form below, select the ministry you’d like to support, the name of your loved one, the type of dedication, and your dedication. 

To pay online complete this form and hit the submit button, you will automatically be redirected to our GIVE page. On the GIVE page, please select the Easter music or Easter flowers funds from the drop down options. If you have any questions, please email the church office at office@st-gregorys.com.