JoURNEY With St. Gregory’s This Lent



Rector at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church

Lent is the season that calls us to special devotion and growth in our relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is the season where we reawaken to the presence of God within us and around us as we journey with Jesus into the desert which then leads us to Holy Week and our journey to the cross and our Easter encounter with our risen Lord.

St. Gregory's is offering a series of special programs and events to encourage our spiritual growth during this Lenten season. Some of the highlights include a daily five-minute poem and prayer read by Father Andrew, which will be available on our website as well as our YouTube and Facebook pages. On Saturday, March 8, Reverend Robyn will lead a walking meditation through the Morikami Gardens, one of the treasures of South Florida, that will also feature poetry and scriptural reflections. Reverend Robyn will be offering a special Lenten class on Tuesday evenings and Fr. Andrew and Anita Sherman will be offering a book study and Bible Study class on Wednesday evenings. Details about each of these classes are included in our weekly emails and in the Sunday bulletin and our special Lenten inserts. Fr. Emilio will continue to offer his Monthly Healing Masses in March and April, and Reverend Elizabeth will lead us in our monthly Yoga Masses as well. Timothy Brumfield and our choir will lead a special Lenten Evensong in March. Our children and families will experience special Lenten worship in our April Rise and Shine service. 

These offerings are our response to the godly admonition from the words of Book of Common Prayer liturgy on Ash Wednesday: "I invite you, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting and self-denial; and by the reading and meditating on God's holy Word."

I know with the grace of the Holy Spirit these programs and special events will make a difference in your spiritual life.  



Nourish Your Spirit  

Lent is a sacred season of reflection, renewal, and deepening our relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It is a time to awaken to God’s presence within us and around us as we journey with Christ into the desert, leading us to Holy Week, the cross, and ultimately, the joy of Easter. At St. Gregory’s, we invite you to walk this Lenten path with us through prayer, study, worship, and community.

Below, you’ll find a variety of special offerings designed to nourish your spirit during this holy season. Whether through prayerful reflection, scripture study, music, or meditative experiences, we hope you will find meaningful ways to observe a holy Lent with us.

Daily Prayers & Poems with Fr. Andrew 

During this Lenten season, Father Andrew invites you to pause, reflect, and pray through a special daily video series, Prayers and Poems with Fr. Andrew. Each day, he will share a five-minute reading of a carefully selected poem and prayer, offering moments of spiritual nourishment and contemplation. These videos will be available on this page, as well as on our YouTube and Facebook pages. We encourage you to take a few moments each day to engage with these reflections as part of your Lenten journey. Please click on the date below to view each day’s video.

Ash Wednesday, March 5

Thursday, March 6

Friday, March 7

Saturday, March 8

Sunday, March 9

Monday, March 10

Tuesday, March 11

Wednesday, March 12 - Coming Soon

Videos will be added daily.

Walking Meditation at Morikami Gardens with Rev. Robyn

Saturday, March 8 | 9:40 AM

Join us for a Lenten walking meditation on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at The Morikami Museum and Gardens in nearby Delray Beach. Sponsored by the Center for Spiritual Formation at St. Gregory's, this walking meditation will involve hearing short passages of Scripture and poetry and then walking through the astounding natural beauty of these Japanese gardens.

Come contemplate the wonders of creation as part of your Lenten devotion. We will meet at the main museum building at 9:40 am. The walking meditation will take approximately one hour and forty-five minutes, and sturdy shoes are recommended. Click here for information.


Tickets for admission to the gardens are $16 for adults; a limited number of tickets will be available at a discount.


Lenten Offereings


The Rite of Reconciliation with Rev. Robyn

10 AM - Noon on Fridays in Lent (By Appointment)

In the Episcopal tradition, the ministry of The Reconciliation of a Penitent (as defined in the Book of Common Prayer) “is the rite in which those who repent of their sins may confess them to God in the presence of a priest, and receive the assurance of pardon and the grace of absolution” (p. 861). It is often referred to as “private confession.”

Reconciliation (or private confession) will be offered by the Rev. Dr. Robyn Neville in the Chapel every Friday in the liturgical season of Lent, from 10 AM to 12 noon, by appointment.


To make an appointment, please email Rev. Robyn at, or you may call her direct line at the church office at 561-931-3455.

A Celebration of Healing - Healing Mass with Fr. Emilio

Saturday, March 8 | 4:30 PM (Chapel)

On Saturday, March 8 at 4:30 pm in the Chapel, Father Emilio will celebrate a Healing Mass that is brought by Jesus Christ through prayer, Eucharist, and Anointing with Holy Oils. We welcome all in need of healing.

Living Water in Lent: Reflections on Howard Thurman’s Jesus and the Disinherited and the Beatitudes

Wednesdays Beginning March 12 | 6 PM (Hybrid)

Fr. Andrew and Anita for a very special Lenten journey as they discuss Jesus and the Disinherited, the 1949 book by African-American minister, theologian, and civil rights leader Howard Thurman. In the book, Thurman interprets the teachings of Jesus through the experience of the oppressed and discusses nonviolent responses to fear, hatred, and oppression.

Our sessions will encompass reflections on the book and how The Beatitudes can frame our response to challenges such as marginalization, oppression, and fear.


Jesus and the Disinherited is available on Please contact Anita Sherman at for information about book orders, study guides and other details.  All are welcome!


Click for Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 897 0884 9093 Passcode: 864866


Medieval Monastic Spirituality: Harvest for the soul - A Lenten Series with Rev. Robyn  

Tuesday Evenings | 7 PM (Begins March 11 on Zoom)

Christians throughout history have cultivated many ways for seeking out a meaningful and holy life.

In this Lenten series, we will explore five different ways in which medieval spiritual seekers sought religious fulfillment in community. In each of these five sessions, we will discover how various monastic writers (a.) understood and structured healthy community; (b.) understood and practiced meaningful worship, prayer, and praise; and (c.) envisioned the soul's journey into God.

Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on these practices and perspectives and "harvest" techniques and ideas that will be fruitful for their own spiritual journey. Click for more information.


Click here to view the course study guide.


Click for the Zoom class link.

Meeting ID: 834 2138 5272 Passcode: 417223

Choral Evensong: Special Lenten Service

Sunday, March 16 | 6 PM

Join us for this special Lenten Choral Evensong featuring the music of John Barnard, Herbert Howells, Balfour Gardiner, and Gilbert Martin sung by the Choir of St. Gregory’s,

Timothy Brumfield, Director of Music, Organist, and Choirmaster.

Responses: John Barnard

Canticle Setting: Collegium Regale, Howells

Introit: Evening Hymn, Gardiner

Anthem: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, Martin