Legacy Giving at st. gregory’s

Planting Seeds: The Importance of Planned Gifts to St. Gregory's Endowment

Dear Friends,

At the heart of our shared journey of faith, stewardship plays a pivotal role, guiding us to use our resources wisely and generously. As we seek to extend the reach of God's love and work within and beyond our parish, we invite you to consider the lasting impact of making plans for a gift to St. Gregory's long-term endowment. This is more than a financial decision; it is a spiritual commitment to ensuring the longevity and vitality of our church's mission long after all of us are gone.

A Foundation for the Future

An endowment serves as a financial bedrock for any nonprofit organization, particularly for churches designed to be in existence forever like ours. The endowment is a fund where the principal amount generally is kept intact while the income from those core funds are used for the church's mission, operations, and upkeep. By contributing to our endowment, you are planting seeds that will grow to support the church's work for generations to come. This enduring gift helps ensure that St. Gregory's can continue to be a beacon of hope, a center for community, and a place of spiritual growth, regardless of the economic climate.

A Legacy of Faith

When you give to the endowment, you are creating a personal legacy that mirrors your faith and values. It's a profound way to express gratitude for the blessings in your life and to pass on those blessings to others. Your planned gift becomes a testament to your commitment to the St. Gregory's community, leaving a lasting imprint that will touch the lives of future generations. This is an opportunity to live out the biblical principle of stewardship, managing God's gifts with a spirit of generosity and foresight.

Empowering Ministry and Outreach

The income generated from the St. Gregory's endowment is a critical resource for sustaining and expanding the church's ministries. It enables us to plan confidently for the future, knowing that we have a steady stream of support for essential programs, outreach efforts and the maintenance of our sacred spaces. Your gift could support many things, including youth programs, our feeding ministries, the church's mission work around the world, community service, our music and church buildings, and many more vital endeavors, ensuring that our church remains a vibrant center of spiritual life and action.

Call to Action

As members of this faith community, we are called to support not just the present needs of St. Gregory's but also to invest in its future. Contributing to our endowment is a powerful way to answer this call. While of course, we would be grateful for a one-time gift or a pledge over time, our main goal is ensuring that our parishioners consider a gift to St. Gregory's as part of their estate plans. Importantly, creating a legacy does not mean that you have to give money today. 

How to Leave Your Legacy

Please consider whether you could change a beneficiary for part or all of your retirement plan, which generally otherwise will be subject to income tax when left to anyone except a spouse so that it benefits the St. Gregory's endowment. Or, would you be able to change a beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy to leave funds to the endowment? There also are “transfer on death” provisions that can be made with your bank for a savings account or certificate of deposit. And of course, there also are changes you can make to your estate planning documents to leave a portion of your assets to create a legacy at St. Gregory’s. 

Become a Member of the Legacy Society

We would like to acknowledge your planned gift and welcome you into the Legacy Society. Growing the Legacy Society has become a major priority for St. Gregory’s, and we hope it will be for you as well. Please contact any member of the Legacy Society Committee: Joanne Stanley, Brad Osborne, David Gury, Gary Paris, Bill Lintz or Christopher Leonard. Or, please feel free to speak with any member of our clergy and staff.

Together, We Build a Future

The decision to give to our church's endowment is a personal one, reflecting a deep commitment to the values we hold dear. As we look to the future, we can unite in this shared endeavor, fostering a legacy of faith, hope, and love that will resonate for generations to come. 

Bless you,

Christopher Leonard

Ways to Give

Explore Your Legacy Options

There are numerous ways to leave a legacy at St. Gregory's, each tailored to meet your individual goals and circumstances. Whether you are interested in making a bequest in your will, establishing an endowment, donating life insurance, or contributing real estate, there is a method that aligns with your vision.

In addition to the numerous spiritual benefits, legacy giving also offers significant tax benefits and advantages, making it a practical and impactful way to support our church while also meeting your financial planning goals. We are here to guide you through the options and help you find the best fit for your unique situation. Once you have prayerfully considered your gift, please consult with your financial advisor to better understand the options that best fit your personal situation.

Thank you for considering legacy giving at St. Gregory's - a profound expression of your faith and a lasting gift to the generations that follow. Together, we continue to build a strong and enduring foundation for our beloved church. For more information about legacy giving, please email Kristen Chaney, Parish Administrator at kchaney@st-gregorys.com or complete the form below.


LEARN MORE ABOUT The legacy society

Thank you for your interest in The Legacy Society at St. Gregory’s.

If would like to learn more about legacy giving, please complete the following form for additional information.

We are so very grateful that you are part of St. Gregory’s beloved community!

Plant seeds of love, reap a legacy of faith.