As we celebrate our 70th Anniversary and reentry into our church, I wanted to lift up the whole congregation for making a difference. We did this together, led as the Body of Christ is always led, by the Holy Spirit. Despite the headwinds of the pandemic, we kept the faith and kept climbing up what I began to refer to as Mount "Called to Love." And here we are, and the view of the summit is of our gloriously renovated church and inviting church campus. This is the place where we find and are found by Christ. This is the place where we are comforted, challenged, loved and sent forth to serve the world with the transforming love of Jesus. Together we planted; Together we watered. But God gave and always gives the growth. To God be glory from age to age. Amen. Amen. Thanks be to God for the past 70 years. Thanks be to God for the future! God is calling us to be renewed and strengthened and ready to serve! Come join us on this joyous journey of faith, hope and love.

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki