This past Monday, the Boca Raton Interfaith Clergy Association led a Thanksgiving Seder hosted by Temple Beth El. In these times of endless war, it could’ve sounded like an evening destined for failure or an evening of comic relief: So a Rabbi, a Mormon, a Unitarian minister, a Muslim, an Interfaith Youth Association, and a Priest walk into a synagogue. But through God’s sheer determination and power to be One, over 100 people from all walks of faith and life showed up as candles to light the great I AM together. 

It was a beautiful orchestra of sincerity, hope, and trust where the existential questions of life were deeply discussed: Who am I, why am I here, where am I going? The bush was aflame but not consumed. And for everyone who arrived with their presence and beings to hold the space collectively, I shout a loud: AMEN!

In deep thanksgiving,

Fr. Ben+

ABOUT THE PHOTO: Last Monday, Nov 13 our interfaith community gathered for an interactive Thanksgiving Seder at Temple Beth El in Boca. We enjoyed reflections and table conversations as we joined in giving thanks and in prayers for one another and the world. BRIYA members participated in the service by presenting several readings. Many thanks to BRIYA coordinators, Gena Vallee and Cathy Berkowitz (B'nai Torah).

Dawn Rahicki