St. Gregory's is bidding farewell and expressing our deep gratitude to Michael Koppenal, who has served as our Parish Administrator for the past three years. Michael, his wife Dineen, and daughter Olivia are relocating to Chicago. Dineen recently received a significant promotion and the company’s headquarters is located in Chicago. 

Embedded in the title "Administrator" is the word "ministry," which is our Christian word for one who serves. For Michael serving as the Parish Administrator was truly a ministry of service to St. Gregory's and to our Lord Jesus. Michael brought the skills of a senior executive, who knows how to effectively manage processes and people and married both to the heart of a pastor who loves and serves. He had big shoes to fill in replacing Ron Knowlton, who had served for fifteen years in this position prior to Michael's hiring.

Michael started just as the pandemic changed everything. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Michael’s resilience, adaptability and competence shaped our response as a congregation. He also oversaw the day-to-day management of our campus construction while ensuring all our ministry leaders and members had the support that they needed to further the mission of St. Gregory's. But what I and so many will remember with immense gratitude is the joy and loving heart Michael brought to this ministry of administration. Michael's wit and humor brought laughter to our hearts; his deep compassion for those in need brought tears as well. 

To know Michael is to love Michael. We were blessed by his leadership. He made a huge difference! We send him to Chicago with all our prayers and love. 

Go with God, good and faithful servant!


Dawn Rahicki