This week, our renovation of the church interior began. Included in our new plans are new pews, a new pulpit, and a new lectern. A number of families claimed one of the smaller pews that were in the Chapel, but until early this week, we did not have a plan for the pulpit, lectern, and pews in the nave. However, as always, God had a plan. The mother of Adam, our new construction point person, belongs to a church that is planting a new church in the Dominican Republic. Adam asked if St. Gregory's might consider gifting these church furnishings to this new church. We were delighted to give them, and they were overjoyed to receive them. On Tuesday, I met Adam's mother, the pastor of their church, and two other church members. We gathered in a circle and praised God for His provision for this new church and expressed our gratitude that St. Gregory's could offer this gift. Our hearts were warmed within us as we recognized that God had brought us together. Thank You, Lord, that our beloved pews, lectern, and pulpit will continue to serve Your people and be used in our most basic life-giving work: praising and glorifying You!

In Christ, 


Dawn Rahicki