In every congregation, there are members whose presence becomes defining for our common life. Bob Smith, who died this month, was one of those members. Bob loved worshipping at St. Gregory's. In his later years, hunched over his rolling walker, Bob would doggedly and faithfully make his way to worship whether on Sunday or at our weekday Eucharists. He would often enter St. Mary's Chapel on weekdays singing: "Get me to the church on time!"

During the pandemic years (aren't we glad they are in our review mirror!) Bob would come to our campus almost daily to pray in our Butterfly garden when we weren't open for in-person worship. It always meant so much to me to know that Bob was praying for all of us during these special times of prayer. I only learned at his funeral last week, that during his time of service in the Navy, Bob served as a lay chaplain, making sure worship was available even when a chaplain wasn't present. We all loved Bob but so did the wider Boca community. At his funeral, three different restaurants where Bob ate sent flowers and food in thanksgiving for Bob. Love followed and community was formed wherever Bob went. What a blessing from God to have such people among us. Well done, good and faithful servant. I'll look forward to joining you in heavenly worship. I know you'll still be singing, "Get me to the church on time!"

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki