What will you do with your one wild and precious life? 

~ Mary Oliver, The Summer Day ~


Our lives are wild and precious indeed, as Mary Oliver conveys in her exquisite poem.  In Youth Ministry activities we have used this as an overarching theme, asking ourselves how living our precious lives connects us to God and to one another in sacred ways.


Recently, our teens enjoyed a trinity of events that deepened these connections.  We joined over 25 young people from around our diocese for the Leap of Faith challenge course at FAU; we enjoyed team-building games and went on to some high-wire action!  Sunday brought us to Upper Room Time where we started with prayers and reflections about the nature of service. After church, we regathered for lunch and fellowship and then concluded by serving at Meals with Meaning together.  Though ever-amazing MWM coordinator Gena Vallee as well as Anita Sherman and Maria Patton were on hand to help, the teens really managed all the serving.  The odyssey continued on Monday with BRIYA (Boca Raton Interfaith Youth Association) gathering to participate in the community Martin Luther King celebration. 


The Holy Spirit wove all these wild and precious moments together. It was an Epiphany weekend, a weekend embodying our youth identity statement:


I am a beloved child of God.

I am a member of the Body of Christ.

I have a unique calling and purpose in this world.


Thanks be to God!

Anita Sherman

Click here to view a gallery of photos from the weekend.

Dawn Rahicki