Our weekly "Making a Difference" reflections typically focus on a recent event or person that has impacted our congregational life and released blessings. So, there is a joyous focus on looking back, celebrating, and giving thanks. This week I want to turn our focus toward the future, toward the unfolding year of 2023—our 70th anniversary year—and beyond to celebrate and give thanks for the leadership of the Holy Spirit. It is always a humbling endeavor to declare what God is up to in our common life. But as I prayerfully and obediently seek to listen, these are aims of the Holy Spirit in 2023 and beyond that I sense will make a transformative difference in our common life.

  1.  To renew and reenergize our commitment to grow spiritually and in discipleship as we ever more deeply root our lives in relationship with God in Jesus Christ as enlivened by the Holy Spirit. This primary relationship in our lives is the center and source of our joy. It is the wellspring of abundant life. It is the beginning and end of all love. Renewing and reenergizing this relationship remains our central call and work.

  2. To strengthen and renew our "on-ramps"--those ministries that serve as a bridge between the needs of the world and our life in Christ at St. Gregory's. Our Yoga Masses, Beach Eucharists, our Meals with Meaning ministry, and the concert and lecture series are just some of the intentional on-ramps we identified. But the best on-ramps are our members and their enthusiasm to invite others to, in the words of Jesus, "come and see" our life in Christ.

  3. To start and complete the renovation and updating of our worship space. Our goal is not only to preserve but enhance the traditional beauty of our sacred space while adding a new dimension of creativity, flexibility, and accessibility. This work on worship space, like all our spaces on our campus, is in service to strengthening our mission and core commitments.

  4. To develop and implement a celebration of our 70th anniversary that engages both our congregation and the wider church community.

  5. To create a long-term strategy for developing our property assets to further our mission of "transforming hearts and community through Jesus's love."

The future always is in God's hands. I look forward to the adventure of living into it.

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki