Every year, under the elegant leadership of Arely Castellón Cox, parishioners host a thematic Progressive Dinner. This year's theme is A Southern Night Around the World. This roving feast begins at the Rectory with beverages and hors d'oeuvres, followed by invitations handed to you noting your evening destination surprise, and ending with a secret location for dessert. This year's adventures are as follows: An Evening in the South of France, What's the Wurst We Could Do?, Mykonos Taverna, Carolina on My Mind, New Zealand Middle Earth Delights, Southern Spain, and A Taste of Burgundy.

The work and generosity that goes into organizing, hosting, and cooking these dinners is tremendous! And I say generous because the hosting parishioners cover all the costs for the event as a 100% fundraiser for the church. Anna and I have co-hosted dinners for several years now, and it really is a highlight of our year at St. Gregory's. So, a huge thanks to Arely and to all of you who curate festive foodie places that gather the community of God. Who knows what fruit will fall out of this communion? See you February 18th!  

In Christ,

Fr. Ben+

Click here for more information.

Dawn Rahicki