This Lenten season St. Gregory's will receive a special blessing: we are hosting a performance of a musical written by the Rev. Patsy McGregor and her dear friend Collette Maiurel, called Miaraka, which in Malagasy means "Together." The story features a young woman who is lost in her life who discovers and embraces the love of God as experienced in the Christian community. It's a story of healing and the hope and the promise of new life in Christ. But what makes this particularly special is that performers from Madagascar and Mauritius are travelling as missionaries to us. Leading this mission delegation will be the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Toliara, Bishop Samytiana and his wife. Performances are scheduled for Friday, March 3 and Saturday March 4. On Saturday morning there will be a Lenten retreat time to reflect on some of the gospel themes in this touching story. This will be a weekend of life-giving engagement and abundant blessings. Prepare to receive the gift of this weekend with open hearts. It will make a difference in God's work of shaping our hearts in love this Lenten season.

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki