This week, as we anticipate our Veterans Day holiday on Monday, I would like to give thanks to those members of St. Gregory's, and indeed all the members of our community, who have served in the armed forces of our nation. We are grateful for your service and for defending our freedoms. Thank you for truly making a difference.
This past week we conducted a national election and we the people of these United States exercised the sacred privilege of choosing our leaders. This is a gift bestowed upon us by God's blessing and by the service and sacrifice of many who have gone before us. On behalf of our congregation, we honor and salute those who have served or who are currently serving in the military. God bless you abundantly!
As a regular part of our Sunday Prayers of the People, we pray by name (throughout the year) for those serving in the military. If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please contact the church office.
Blessings in Christ,