St. Gregory’s Vestry met on Monday, September 18, 2023, and announced the addition of two new vestry members – Jacob Beavin and Verona Zeqiri. The church bylaws permit up to two Youth or Young Adults to fully participate in Vestry Meeting discussions. The positions are an appointment by the Rector and Sr. Warden for one-year terms and are non-voting positions.

Bill Lintz, Sr. Warden commenting on the announcement said, “We are thrilled and honored to

have Jacob and Verona joining the vestry. All voices and ideas need to be heard and our youth

and young people represent an important group within our church. As we formulate our future

plans for St. Gregory’s, we are looking for Verona and Jacob to help guide us to what is best and

most relevant for our young people. Our Sunday School is rapidly growing with now over 40

students and our Canterbury House is in high demand, especially from students from FAU. We

need to continue to attract, minister, and provide relevant programs to our children and youth.”

Dawn Rahicki