St. Gregory’s Women’s Bible Study was established a few years ago to provide a welcoming opportunity for women to pray and discuss the week's gospel reading. No prior preparation is needed. As friendships are fostered, our faith is deepened. Our group meets each Thursday from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM in St. Gregory’s Youth Room. 

Our meetings are a tapestry of ecumenical dialogues and deepening friendships. With participants from various Christian traditions, discussions are enriched with diverse perspectives on the gospel and Christianity. Though we occasionally encounter varying points of view, God's grace ensures that harmony and mutual respect highlight our common beliefs and unity as Christ's Body.

Leadership is shared, allowing anyone to step forward, fostering a dynamic, inclusive environment. A testament to God's guiding hand is our fellowship and deep bonds we've formed. While our primary focus is on scripture and prayer, the essence of our gatherings is the sacred space we've crafted, underlined by a strong commitment to confidentiality.

To anyone considering joining us, our doors and hearts are open. Our journey resonates with Ephesians 2:22: “In Him you are also being built into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit,” a truth we've experienced collectively and individually. Through faith, friendship, and understanding, The Women’s Bible Study is truly "Making a Difference."

For further information please contact Evelyn Anderson, or or call the office at 561-395-8285.

Dawn Rahicki