This past Sunday the children got their chance to worship in a new place thanks to the air conditioning being out. And what a gift it turned out to be. We spread blankets on the south lawn under the trees and listened to the story of the Ark and the Flood. The time of wondering was deep and cleansing for the week ahead. Some said their favorite part was that the rain stopped, or that the dove made a nest. Another wondered how the animals knew to start walking to the Ark. We wondered, did God put a special prayer over the boat to make the animals not eat each other and be patient? Did Naamah, Noah’s wife, sing lullabies to the animals like in a picture book someone read?

After the wondering died down, some chose to paint with watercolors and others chose to just lay on the blanket watching the breeze move the sunlight through the trees… “Can we do this again?” they wanted to know… - Anna Thomas & Kristen Chaney

Above is a photo of some of the materials used for the lesson.

Dawn Rahicki