St. Gregory's is blessed with a talented and dedicated staff that serves our Lord and this congregation with grace and love. This week I want to highlight the servant leadership of our Facility Manager and Sexton Steve Demoreuille. The last two weeks have been challenging due to the significant repairs of our cooling tower, which powers the air conditioning system for Harris Hall and our office complex. Last Sunday, Steve was up at 5 a.m. to pump water and ladle ice by hand into the cooling tower to ensure that our worship space was comfortable for our morning worship. From that early start, he spent the next five hours climbing a ladder and piping water, and dumping buckets of ice into the tower. So much of Steve's ministry is behind the scenes as he attends to the needs of our church campus including the Harris Hall and office complex, the church, four houses, and our parking lot! Steve's work requires him to be on call at all hours, whether it's locking up the church late at night or attending to the cooling tower early in the morning. Helping Steve as an unpaid volunteer is his partner in life and beloved church member, Sandy McGrath, who is a blessing to our congregation as well. So, it is with gratitude that we salute Steve for making a difference at St. Gregory's!

-Fr. Andrew+

Dawn Rahicki