On Wednesday, August 30, while residents of Southeast Florida were relieved that Hurricane Idalia spared our coast, most of us were also praying for those on the West Coast of Florida facing the fury of the storm. Our friends at B’nai Torah, however, wanted to do more and quickly acted. As the storm brutally assailed the West Coast, Summer Faerman (of B’nai Torah) reached out to me, seeking a connection with an Episcopal Church in Cedar Key as she anticipated the shortfall of food and water following the aftermath and wanted to get supplies sent to the people that needed it the most. Aware that there was not a Synagogue on the island of Cedar Key, Summer’s immediate thought was to turn to the local Episcopal Church. The bond between B’nai Torah and St. Gregory’s, originating from the friendship between Fr. Andrew Sherman and Rabbi David Steinhardt, has roots that long precede my connection with Summer. Yet, our mutual appreciation and shared engagement within the community have blossomed through Meals with Meaning.


Determined, Summer contacted various Diocesan offices confident that one would point her in the right direction. Her persistence paid off. Through the "Hands on Tzedakah" (HOT) program, Cheney Brothers dispatched a truck filled with essential food supplies to Christ Episcopal Church in Cedar Key just two days after the hurricane's impact. What an incredible example of how this community works towards caring for others and helping those in need. Thanks be to God for knitting together such beauty in humanity in Summer and B’nai Torah’s HOT program. We are so very blessed to all be in God’s family together. 



Click here to view a video of some of the essential supplies provided to those affected by the hurricane.

Dawn Rahicki