St. Gregory's has always been a beacon of faith and community in Boca Raton. This year, as we celebrate our 70th anniversary, we've been blessed to have members of our community step forward in meaningful ways to help us commemorate this important milestone. Among them, Mark Reino, the esteemed owner of Merit Mile – an award-winning integrated advertising, interactive, and PR agency based in Boca Raton – stands out. A selfless member of St. Gregory's, Mark, along with his talented Creative Director, Saul Darville, have gracefully dedicated their expertise to commemorate this special milestone. Their creativity has manifested in the beautiful 70th Anniversary logo, capturing the essence of our church's long-standing legacy. Furthermore, the duo generously designed the 70th-anniversary banner, which Father Andrew proudly unveiled last Sunday, illuminating our Harris Hall sanctuary with the visual testimony of our journey.

It's not merely the design or the aesthetics that merit attention but the selfless spirit with which these contributions were made. Mark donated his and Saul's time, talent, and passion without expecting anything in return. Such acts reaffirm the power of community and the spirit of giving that St. Gregory's has championed for seven decades. As we approach our festive gala on Thursday, November 2nd, we're reminded of the importance of every individual's effort in "Making a Difference" to our beloved community. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mark for his unwavering support and to Saul for his artistic brilliance. They have truly gone the extra (Merit) Mile and we are forever grateful. Together, they have enriched our celebration, reminding us of the beauty that arises when faith and community intertwine.

Dawn Rahicki