Last week we observed our last Yoga Mass of the season. There were about a dozen worshippers, yoga mats in hand, who gathered in the chapel for this time of movement and holy connection.

Elizabeth led us with gentleness and grace through a series of yoga positions, reminding us to keep "returning to the breath." Over the years many people have asked me to explain our Yoga Mass. I often remark that the movement in Yoga opens our bodies and our hearts to the flow of God's presence in us, God's breath in us. To "return to the breath" is not only to pay attention to our breathing but to pay attention to God's Holy Spirit breathing in and through us. To return to the breath at its deepest level is to return to God, which is the essence of worship and the deepest love in our lives.

I am grateful for our Yoga Masses and this beautiful worship. I am also grateful for the gift of Elizabeth's leadership and for making a difference in our life in Christ at St. Gregory's!

Blessings in Christ,


Dawn Rahicki