Imagine the Holy Spirit leading and guiding a dynamic group of ministers (both lay and ordained) who came together to worship, learn, and collaborate, all around the theme of caring for young adults. This was the energetic scene at this year’s Young Adult and Campus Ministry Conference in Philadelphia (June 3-7) which I had the privilege of attending for the first time.  What a blessed experience to be part of the lively discussions, meaningful worship, incredible resource sharing and the beginning of new friendships!

Among the highlights were workshops and discussions  about:

— The Episcopal Service Corps (think Americorps or Peace Corps in the Episcopal way!);

— Our upcoming General Convention;

— Reimagining campus ministry; and

— A number of “passion talks” by various attendees about their young adult ministry experiences

Another formational session was viewing “The Philadelphia 11” video which documented the story of the first eleven women who were ordained in the Episcopal Church 50 years ago in 1974 at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia.  This was followed the next day by a riveting presentation about the history and current state of the Church of the Advocate (sadly, it’s not doing well and needs help to preserve it as a historic site).

This is but a small snapshot of all that I was blessed to be a part of during the conference.  I came away energized in spirit — and with many notes of amazing resources and contacts.  As we at St. Gregory’s continue to envision, imagine and frame our ministry with young adults, I hope to draw upon all this wealth of information and inspiration as we go forward.

I’ll leave you with a portion of the Liturgy to Begin a Purposeful Gathering (2017; Douglas McKinley) used at our opening worship:

Breathe upon our gathering, O Spirit of God.

Grant each of us a place to humbly receive and to faithfully serve, that we might know in this brief gathering a foretaste of that greater communion yet to come.

O Father, enlarge our hearts.

O Spirit, expand our vision.

O Christ, establish your kingdom among us.

Be at work even now, O Lord.

May your will in us, in these hours,

Be accomplished.


— Anita Sherman


In an act akin to civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property.

In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who challenge the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom and succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution.

Click the link below to learn more about The Philadelphia Eleven.


St. Gregory's is exploring the possibility of hosting a screening of The Philadelphia Eleven documentary this Fall. Stay tuned for details!

Dawn Rahicki