When you think of the word Recovery, what comes to mind? If you love obstacle course racing like me, you might think of resting or being gentle in your movements. Perhaps a massage or hot tub is thought of.

My handy Webster Dictionary App says it is the process of combating a disorder or problem. That’s the definition that is closest to what helps frame the Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church (RMEC as well as our local Diocesan Recovery Ministries. I am honored to have been recently being named co-chair along with Berenice Wallace of St. Faith’s in Cutler Bay.

Last week, I had the privilege of representing our diocese at the RMEC National Conference. The “Gathering” brought clergy and laity together. Whether in recovery or supporting those within, we were all of like minds with regards to the mission of Recovery Ministries.

One of the highlights for me was the keynote speaker, Bishop Todd Ousley, Bishop for the Office of Pastoral Development. Having clergy from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s staff was affirming and educational. Another was the Recovery Eucharist. The blend of 12-Step language with our beautiful Episcopalian Liturgy flowed as if this is how the service has always been. It was holy. It was good. Another highlight for me was joining the Wednesday night weekly All 12 Step Zoom meeting. This is open to all persons. I encourage you to go to the RMEC website and find the zoom information.


Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church's mission is to serve all those affected by addiction who have lost their health and freedom. Our ministry seeks to:

  • Help the addicted and those who love them connect with spiritual resources and find lasting recovery.

  • Witness to Christ’s unfailing mercy by welcoming unchurched members of Twelve-Step and other recovery programs into an Episcopal faith community.

  • Raise the awareness of clergy and other leaders about the disease of addiction and the redemption and grace found in recovery.

  • Strengthen recovering Episcopalians in the work of their recovery and help proclaim the Gospel in the world and carry their recovery into the Church. 


RMEC Website link: Episcopal Recovery | Home

Blessings in Christ,

Gena Vallee

Dawn Rahicki