St. Gregory's is a community of prayer. We maintain a public prayer list that is published every Sunday and a separate private prayer list, which members of the Daughters of the King use in their daily devotions. Prayers are offered not only during our Sunday worship but also at daily Morning Prayer services at 9 am, at our noon Eucharists on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and during Fr. Emilio's A Celebration in Healing Masses and Take it to the Sacred services, which include an important gathering for a cancer and cardiac support group. Additionally, Fr. Bruno offers the laying of hands as part of Sunday's services, further deepening our shared prayer life. These moments are supported by the countless and faithful private prayers of the clergy and all the members of our congregation. Our life in Christ at St. Gregory's is marinaded in prayer.
Just before Christmas, we celebrated the power of prayer in a special way. One of our church members completed her cancer journey and participated in a "ringing the bell" ceremony at her treatment center, a traditional way to give joyous thanks for healing. On that day the clergy and staff at St. Gregory's filmed and sent selfies to her of each of us ringing bells to share in this holy moment. It was a beautiful moment of connection and thanksgiving for God's healing mercies and the blessed and loving energy of prayer. These prayers make a difference. Thanks be to God!
In Christ,
The Rev. Andrew J. Sherman