Grace and Peace! I am so excited to announce a new initiative for adult learners: The Center for Spiritual Formation (CSF) at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church. The CSF is a new learning center for adults seeking continuing education in theological studies, as well as formation in the history, theory, and practice of spirituality. The CSF provides opportunities for both practical training and theological reflection.

In our learning together, we will emphasize academic discovery and rigor, Episcopal identity in conversation with the rich history of world religious cultures, and a deep commitment to spiritual exploration and transformation. Although we are a learning community centered at St. Gregory’s, in Boca Raton, Florida, our program encompasses students from around the world.

Students at the Center for Spiritual Formation fall into two categories:      

1) Students looking to deepen their faith and enrich their Christian journey with a more profound encounter with the history, practice, and legacy of spirituality and spiritual movements throughout human history, and

2) Students who are not religious and seeking to explore spirituality to find new perspectives and practices for their individual journeys. We welcome students of all faith perspectives who wish to join us for a limited study to "test the waters" of spiritual formation as part of their discernment for their own religious path or to strengthen the spiritual practices in which they are already engaged.

Courses will be offered through a combination of online learning opportunities, short webinars, and in-person formation groups. Short retreats will be offered periodically to give students a chance to pray and learn together, to ask deeper questions in small groups, and to reflect in community on the journey of spiritual formation.

Online courses will begin this month, and you can join our current Epiphany class via Zoom. For the liturgical season of Epiphany, I am teaching a course on Celtic spirituality titled, “And a Column of Fire from Her Head”: Storytelling, Power, and Prayer in the Lives of the Celtic Saints. This course is offered entirely online, so you can join us from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Eastern every Wednesday in Epiphany via Zoom from wherever you are. To learn more about the Center for Spiritual Formation and to access the Zoom link, please go to our webpage at:

The CSF is one of the newest ways in which St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church is making a difference in Boca Raton and in the world. I warmly welcome you to the CSF, and I look forward to journeying with you on this exciting new spiritual path!

In kindness, compassion, and faith,

Robyn +

The Rev. Dr. Robyn M. Neville, Ph.D.

Senior Associate Rector and Director of the CSF at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church

Dawn Rahicki