I’ve written about our livestream ministry often; however, I want to share another story of how this vital ministry reaches people around the world. As I travel, I always take you with me as I share with others our livestreamed services providing links to past services and concerts with those I meet. It’s always rewarding when I see these people online worshiping with us as they view Morning Prayer with Musical Mediations, 10 AM Worship, and Evensong. I was delighted to learn last week that the Cruise Director of the ship on which I was Featured Entertainer watches our services when she’s able and told me how much she enjoys our worship.
I’m so grateful to those who support our Livestream ministry, especially Gary and Ginni Paris, who donated much of the equipment we use, and to Louis Birro who faithfully works to make our broadcasts the best livestreamed worship I’ve seen anywhere.
I encourage you to share with your friends and family both far and near the online links to this incredible ministry which enables so many people around the world to worship with us, experiencing our beautiful services--our music, our preaching, our sanctuary—as if they were right here with us in person. By so doing, you can help St. Gregory’s make a difference around our community and throughout the world.
Tim Brumfield
Director of Music Ministries, Organist, and Choirmaster
Note: You may view live-streamed services on St. Gregory's website homepage, Facebook page or app.