We usually highlight an individual or ministry team that makes a difference. This week I wanted to highlight how together, as the people of God and as followers of Jesus Christ, we make a difference. As we move into this next, post-construction phase, of our life in Christ. I am inviting all our members to engage in the work of discerning our call to reach out to our community with the transforming love of Jesus with renewed energy in fresh, creative and faithful ways. At our "Let's Grow " gathering on Saturday and at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, we will set aside intentional time to listen to the call of the Holy Spirit. Our aim will be to listen deeply and respond faithfully. It will be a time to connect with the Spirit's abiding presence in your life and to give voice to that presence. I am eager to see what holy themes, what holy callings will emerge from this holy conversation with God and each other. But this I know and trust: whatever emerges will make a difference because it will be from God.
In Christ,