As we celebrate generosity on this Stewardship Sunday, our focus turns to you—the people of God and members of St. Gregory's—for making a difference. Your giving makes possible everything that God does through us at St. Gregory's. Your giving enables year-round worship and keeps the lamp of God burning bright and strong. Your giving enables children and young people to be formed by God's love in Jesus. Your giving enables college students and young adults to connect and explore how faith forms and transforms our lives. Your giving enables Wisdom classes and Bible studies to meet in-person and online as St. Gregory's expands from a regional church to one with a global reach.

Your giving enables members struggling with health and spiritual challenges to find compassion and healing through our Stephen Ministry and healing groups. Your giving enables those in need to be welcomed, nourished and supported materially and spiritually through our Meals with Meaning ministry.

Your giving enables music that touches souls and shapes hearts - a warmth that spills out into our larger community through the leadership of Timothy Brumfield, and the support of our talented choir members and instrumentalists.

Your giving enables children in Bondeau, Haiti to receive an education and clergy in Madagascar to be trained to serve the Church. This giving is not just financial giving the but the giving of our hearts and our best energies to share in God's dream of building a community of love centered in God in Christ Jesus glowing with the warmth of the Holy Spirit. 

Last Sunday a family worshipped with us for the first time as we celebrated All Saints Sunday. What they discovered was a vibrant, joyous community of faith-- a community rooted, grounded, and growing in God's love in Jesus Christ. And they are coming back to join us on our journey of faith. 

Thank you for making a difference!


Dawn Rahicki