On the first Sunday of the month from September through June, St. Gregory's features a special worship service for our children and families at 10 am in Harris Hall which we call "Rise and Shine," which is an allusion to that wonderful children's camp song, which begins "Rise and Shine and bring out your glory, glory...children of the Lord!" 

Traditionally, one of the assistant priests has led the service, but last Sunday it was my joy to lead the worship. I conducted an "Instructional Eucharist," that led the children (and the adults!) through our service. The sermon was a conversation with the children about how we clean our hearts and what that looks like. Our Confirmation Class led the Prayers of the People and served as readers for the scriptural lessons. At communion, the children gathered around the holy table, and we praised God together. It was beautiful, moving, and a true time of grace. 

One of our senior members, who wanted to experience the worship, approached me after the service and shared how much hope she felt for the future of the church as she watched the children gathered around the altar.

One of our senior members, who wanted to experience the worship, came up to me about the service and expressed how much hope she felt for the next generation of the church as she witnessed the children gathered around the altar. This worship made a profound difference in the spiritual lives of the children, in the hearts of the adult worshippers and in the spirit of the Rector. Thanks be to God!

In Christ,



Rise & Shine offers a unique worship experience that is open to all as well as offering some special elements geared toward children, youth and families. The service, which takes place on the first Sunday of each month, is in Harris Hall and runs concurrently with the 10am service in the sanctuary. Sunday School classes and Upper Room Time for teens do not meet on Rise & Shine Sundays; Confirmation Class does meet as usual at 9:10am in the Conference Room. Next Rise & Shine service: Sunday, Oct 6 at 10am in Harris Hall All are invited!

Dawn Rahicki