It takes a village…

This week I sent out a mailer to our Youth Group families and referenced that familiar saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.”  (Actually I shared a witty take on it by some clever soul:  “I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child.  Do they just show up?  Or, is there, like, a number to call?”)  The meaning remains the same:  the work of raising children is sacred, it is hard, and it is challenging to do alone.  I think “raising grownups” is also sacred, hard and challenging!  We all need nurture, encouragement, support and shared wisdom.  There’s no age limit on this fundamental need.

So, where is this village that is supposed to help?  I think of St. Gregory’s as a village, a network of support that surrounds and uplifts, a well of collective wisdom that counsels and guides, a loving home that offers respite and refreshment.  As we seek to live into this village model more deeply, we as ministry leaders continually try to offer program opportunities that further these aims.

This Sunday at 11:30 am, our Youth Ministry team and the Gentle Giant Foundation are co-sponsoring a mental wellbeing workshop entitled “Train Your Brain:  A Pathway from Negativity to Healing”.  Featuring an engaging presentation and an experiential activity, the program will guide participants in managing our thought processes to create a more positive, peaceful and harmonious inner atmosphere.  From this place of peace, we are much better equipped to meet life’s challenges and savor all its goodness more deeply.  Our presenters will be Dr. Maria Patton (beloved member of St. Gregory’s) and her colleague Dr. Suzanne Lechner, both clinical psychologists committed to the work of helping people achieve better mental wellbeing.

I invite everyone who is interested to join us in the Youth Room at 11:30 am.  There is no cost for this workshop and a light lunch will be provided.  Everyone is welcome.  Together we can strengthen our village, our Beloved Community, and make a difference for ourselves and for our neighbors.  Please join us!

 - Anita Sherman

Dawn Rahicki