Last week thirty members and friends in Christ gathered at the lovely home of Tom and Cassandra Hancock for the last event in this year's Summer Series—Piano and Poetry.​ 

As our beloved Timothy Brumfield played on the Hancock's grand piano, the guests gathered to listen and be transported by the words and sounds. We began by reading two poems written by Tim's father, Don Brumfield. Clearly, creativity and bringing beauty to life courses through the Brumfield family! We then read poems by David Whyte, the contemporary British poet. For a treat google "Blessing of Sound" and "Blessing of Light" and you can find the poet reading his own work. Then followed a selection of other well-known poets such Mary Oliver, John Donne and J.R.R. Tolkien and lesser-known poets like John Burnside and John O'Hara. Two resident poets of St. Gregory's – Shelly Jones and Cassandra Hancock, our hostess—had their poems read as well. After several poems were read, Tim would play musical pieces to complement the themes of the poems concluding with a medley of George Gershwin's compositions.

Joy and beauty filled the home and the souls of all those gathered. It was exquisite. I felt like I had been to church! As I reflected on the evening, I kept returning to the power of joy and beauty—gifts from God—to replenish us. Like the bread of life and cup of salvation, we feed on beauty and are renewed by joy. This night was a true feast, and it made a difference! Thanks be to God.

In Christ,


Dawn Rahicki