
Last Sunday was our final Rise and Shine until the Fall and we decided we all earned a party! After more than a year of gathering virtually, where each Sunday the children offered so many prayers for people who had COVID, people working on a cure, and of course for Brother’s breakfast to start again soon, the kids were rejoicing in seeing each other in person again!

Thanks to the incredible generosity of parishioners April and Chris Thomson our time together made a huge SPLASH -just ask anyone standing at the base of the 24- foot water slide! There was also a bounce house, a huge spread of food and drinks, and best of all – our very own ice-cream truck.

But perhaps my favorite part was seeing how happy everyone was just to simply be together. Kids from the youth group taking turns going down the slide with the younger kids, sticky with popsicles, parents catching up in the shade and welcoming new friends… It seems like the Sabbath is meant to be more than a day of rest; it’s a time of play. A time to get functionality out of my actions and get it all the way out of my brain. Being with our beloved community made a big difference!

-Father Ben and Anna Thomas

Dawn Rahicki