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Last week two pillars of St. Gregory's--Alice Vinik and Jean Martin--died. Alice, prior to moving to St. Gregory's in retirement, was the leader of the Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Chicago. At St. Gregory's Alice was a devout woman of faith whose prayers and witness were an encouragement to me and to the ministry of St. Gregory's. She also was a deeply valued friend to many in the congregation. Jean was a Daughter of the King and a greeter, whose infectious smile and joyful spirit welcomed people to worship. She and her husband Jerry were also for many years the leaders of the youth ministry at St. Gregory's. They served as the honorary grandparents of the congregation.

Both Alice and Jean left an indelible mark on our life together in the parish family. Alice's memorial service will be held this Tuesday at 2 pm and Jean's will be held on Saturday, June 19 at 10 am. I am grateful for the life-giving difference that each made in our life in Christ.


Dawn Rahicki