Sometimes ministry is unmistakably visible--think of the food being served daily to guests who come to our Meals with Meaning ministry or the dignified reverence of our vergers leading our Sunday worship. But sometimes it quietly unfolds, and its impact is felt only by those whose lives it touches.

A shining example is our grief book ministry led by Phyllis Bailey. Working out of her home, Phyllis sends a series of books that address the experience of grief to people who lost a loved one. These books are timed to arrive during the year of grief that follows such a painful loss. Phyllis organizes the schedule, oversees the mailing process, and often identifies people outside of the community of St. Gregory's who might benefit from this resource. All of this is unseen by the congregation until the moment when one needs this support.

The loss of a loved one is such a challenging part of our human experience that can leave a gaping wound in our souls. I am so grateful for this compassionate ministry. I am also grateful that this coming fall, we will be restarting an in-person grief ministry group. More details will follow soon. Thank you, Phyllis, for making a difference!

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew+

Dawn Rahicki