The Men’s Spiritual group is a great way to meet other parishioners and share feelings, experiences and enjoy great fellowship with other men. It is also an inspiring learning experience as we explore and discuss articles and books related to our Christian faith.
The Men’s Spirituality Hour consisting of a dozen laymen at St Gregory’s who used to meet each Wednesday Morning at The Farmers Table until the COVID virus made such in-person meetings unwise. This had been a time of camaraderie and shared good will that was often blessed by the presence of one or more of our clergy. We soon found that we could continue sharing our thoughts and prayers using Zoom to continue the camaraderie. Our group had used “The Universal Christ” by Richard Rohr as a study guide. We found the book so thought provoking that we decided to study it again this Summer, often covering only 3 or 4 pages at a given session. We invite you to join us. Until our church is able to fully reopen, you may find it a great spiritual comfort to join in on the discussion.
Men's Spirituality Hour | Wednesday Mornings at 8:00 AM on Zoom
Meeting ID: 827 2062 9725
Passcode: 221910
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82720629725# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,82720629725# US (New York)