Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than to receive." But sometimes it is a blessing to receive and that's worth celebrating! Last weekend at St. Gregory's had the privilege of receiving friends in Christ from Mauritius and Madagascar who performed the musical, Miaraka: A Time to Dance. They were missionaries to us. Their infectious joy and graceful talent combined to share the gospel in a way that touched our hearts and inspired our spirits. This was a gift, and it was good. It was also a special joy having Bishop Sami and his wife Holy join us for worship last Sunday.  Each week we pray for the diocese of Toliara. To have these prayers come to life in the presence of the bishop, his wife, and the performers were a grace-upon-grace blessing. When we receive such blessings, our response is one of heartfelt gratitude to God. This is what life in the Body of Christ at its best looks and feels like. When lives and hearts are shared, where become friends, and infinite love abounds. Thanks be to God.

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew+

Dawn Rahicki