Sunday, February 26 at 4 PM the South Florida music ensemble, Seraphic Fire, presented its third installment of their Enlightenment Festival performing three of J.S. Bach’s oratorios.  These were performed by more than 25 classical instrumental musicians and 25 vocal musicians coming from all over the country.  For this and other Seraphic Fire programs, St. Gregory’s Sanctuary is transformed into a spectacular space for performance art and an "on-ramp" for St. Gregory's.  

Seraphic Fire was formed 20 years ago.  I have been fortunate to have enjoyed their performances for most of these years including the many years they performed at St. Gregory’s.  It is amazing that this world-class music organization is attracted to Boca Raton as one of eight South Florida venues.  

Without knowing the exact numbers, the church was packed with an audience experiencing St. Gregory’s space for this performance.  This was the third concert that Elias and I attended this year.  With the exception of less than a handful of people, we have been the only members of St. Gregory’s participating in these performances which have a base in traditional spiritual based subjects and the spectacular quality of music performed in churches for centuries.  

The Seraphic Fire concerts provide an opportunity for outreach by St. Gregory’s to the Boca Raton community.  Members of St. Gregory’s are missing a wonderful chance to welcome the participants into the St. Gregory’s family.  The last concert for this season is at 4 PM on April 30.  This is their 20th Anniversary Concert with a program of the oldest and newest pieces performed by Seraphic Fire. "Majestic God, our Muse inspire, and fill us with Seraphic Fire", the source of the ensemble’s name.  The last piece is the ensemble’s first performance of Thomas Tallis’ massive 40-voice motet "Spem in alium".  More information can be found at  Truly a special opportunity right here in Boca Raton.  

-David Gury 

Dawn Rahicki