This past month ten young people were presented to the Bishop for Confirmation, the sacramental rite that strengthens and renews the faith of our young people as they enter into adulthood as disciples of Jesus Christ. The anointing with oil and the laying on of hands by our bishop are the outward and visible signs of the inward and spiritual grace of the Holy Spirit filling the lives of our youth in life-giving, life-guiding ways. As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Spirit upon all the followers of Jesus, it seems fitting that our newly confirmed members will help lead our worship on Sunday. In the sermon, you will hear some of their words from reflections that they wrote about the meaning of Confirmation. At the 10 am service, select members of the class will lead the Prayers of the People. Please join me in praying for the continuing outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our children and youth at St. Gregory's. Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

In Christ,

Fr. Andrew+

Dawn Rahicki