The Palm Sunday procession is one of the most colorful and festive moments in our worship year. I always imagine Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as one of jubilant chaos. There were no vergers to keep things decently and in order, there were no robed choir members leading the singing, and there were certainly no vested clergy at the back of the line! The crowd following Jesus were declaring him the messiah—the one coming in the name of the Lord. Jesus had raised hopes and astonished hearts with his teachings, his miracles and his holy authority and the crowd wanted the world to know it.  When the Pharisees, offended by this unauthorized rabble, told Jesus to silence his followers, Jesus said, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out" (Luke 19:40).

If this had happened in our day, the whole moment, in all its colorful, inspiring splendor, would have been live streamed by the media and participants alike. Well, our humble reenactment at St. Gregory's didn't have the media present, but a member of our congregation—Leah Sullivan-- captured the procession and parts of the service with her i-Phone. Her lovely images, contained in a photo gallery on our website, in the words of Jesus, "cry out" with the joy and holy beauty of our worship. Thank you, Leah, for capturing these moments and making a difference.

Fr. Andrew+

Please click on the link below to view the Palm Sunday gallery of photos:

Dawn Rahicki