St. Gregory’s has so many offerings for children and families, but did you know that we even offer a special monthly worship service just for kids? Last Sunday (March 2, 2025), the “Rise and Shine” worship service met in Harris Hall. This is a special worship experience for children and families that happens on the first Sunday of every month. We had two wonderful guitarists with us last Sunday: parishioners Dylan Thompson and Nick Rosa. They taught the children five new songs, which we sang throughout the service. It was so much fun to clap and sing! We also learned about the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus, and we focused on how Jesus’ face shone because the light of God was shining through him. We talked about how God can shine in our hearts, too, and we put sparkly stickers on our faces as a fun way to remember that God wants us to shine and sparkle by sharing the love of God and the light of Christ with everyone.

“Rise and Shine” is a fun, child-friendly service that focuses on the discovery and exploration of the presence of God through child-focused worship. We follow the order of worship for the Holy Eucharist, Rite Two, as found in the Book of Common Prayer, but we adjust the prayers and the Scripture readings so that they are presented in a more child-friendly style of language that is manageable for young readers. The “Rise and Shine” service at St. Gregory’s is a celebration of God’s presence with us, and a way to bring joy and learning into our sacred encounter with God’s love. Our next “Rise and Shine” service will be on Sunday, April 6, 2025, at 10 AM in Harris Hall. All families with children, all children of God, and all who have a child’s heart are warmly invited to join us! If you are looking for a church home that values children’s sacred experience and faith formation, we want you to know that St. Gregory’s is making a difference for kids through the “Rise and Shine” service.

Come worship with us!        

Rev. Robyn

Senior Associate Rector

Dawn Rahicki