This Saturday at 4:30 pm Fr. Emilio will lead a Healing Eucharist for all seeking special prayers, support and healing for themselves or on behalf of loved ones. We are exploring whether to include this service as part of our monthly worship schedule. Fr. Emilio, a cancer survivor, trained counselor, and priest, has a special gift and empathy for those dealing with the challenge of cancer and other health challenges. He brings a deeply spiritual perspective combined with a practical understanding of such things as how to read test results and how to navigate the healthcare system.

This coming Tuesday at 3:30, Fr. Emilio is also starting a monthly cancer and cardiac support group entitled: "Take it to the Sacred." This is open to anyone at St. Gregory's as well as anyone in the community, to support participants in their individual journeys. Please share this information with anyone who might benefit from this group.

I am also grateful for the healing prayers that Fr. Bruno leads at our 10 AM Eucharist on Sundays and for the prayers offered by our healing prayer and healing ministries at St. Gregory's, especially the Order of St. Luke and the Daughters of the King. I am a faithful believer in the power of prayer and the healing presence of the Holy Spirit in our life in Christ. I am grateful for all our ministries of healing.​ With God's grace, they are making a profound difference in the lives of our congregation and beyond.

Blessings in Christ,


Click here to view Father Andrew’s video on the Ministry of Healing.

Dawn Rahicki