The Divine Exchange
This past Saturday we gathered for some time and reflection on hymns of the season and the meaning of Advent. Tim gave a lecture in Harris Hall spanning 1,000 years of music history and then we met in the sanctuary for Advent Eventide: The Divine Exchange. This contemplative service focused on the radical availability, consent, and the holy yes of Mother Mary who took within her very being God and then birthed the Incarnation into the world, modeling for us what the Divine Exchange is all about: the place, through surrender and reception, where humanity and divinity touch. The gospel, meditation, and poem that brought this reality into focus mingled with Advent hymns sung by the Schola and the people in the pews as we meditated together this way of seeing and being that Mary exemplified like no one else in the history of the world.
We then ended our time of contemplation in the middle of a candle-lit Advent spiral in Harris Hall reciting an ancient poem together. Fr. Andrew, realizing that this upcoming Sunday - Advent 3, also known as Gaudete or Rose Sunday - is traditionally the Sunday of Advent where Mary takes center stage, thought that it would be the perfect Sunday to replicate as much of the Advent retreat content as we could as a way to help you drop deeper into the womb of this season as it awaits its final birth at Christmastime. So come and see a glimpse of the Divine Exchange yourself this Sunday and may we all let go just a bit of our hurriedness to echo Mary's words: "let it be onto me according to thy word."
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