“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode, and every sunset is different

– John Steinbeck

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”

– Audrey Hepburn


How true John Steinbeck and Audrey Hepburn words are as we look to summer. A time for relaxation. A time for new friendships. A time to explore. A time for reflections. A time for prayer.  A time for enjoyment and a time to believe in tomorrow.

The Summer Series at St. Gregory’s is all those things. A wonderful new series of events for everyone to enjoy and explore. I hope you have taken advantage of our first two events - An Evening Beach Eucharist and Sabbatical Celebration with Fr. Ben and A Taste of Napa at the Schmidt Boca Raton Historic Museum. The series is free, with different venues and themes that offer something for everyone. 

We have two wonderful events remaining – “Be Still and Know That I am God” A Silent Retreat at Bethesda-By-The Sea, Saturday, July 15th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM with the Rev. Susan Beebe and Poetry Reading: Works of Mary Oliver, Friday August 18th at 6:30 PM hosted by Drs. Cassandra and Thomas Hancock.

The summer series is only made possible by our creative and dedicated members of our Summer Series Committee and our many sponsors who underwrote these events for you to enjoy. For all of you we say Thank You!

Bill Lintz

Senior Warden

Dawn Rahicki