During the pandemic, the important ministry of Sunday Sandwich Makers was born. Thanks to our partners at B’nai Torah, Summer Faerman spearheaded this initiative that helped provide sandwiches for our weekly meal on Sunday afternoon. This has become an essential program that supplies all our sandwiches for Sundays still to this day.


Back in 2020, the year that forever changed us, I had the privilege of meeting the then 7th graders, Aidan and Madison Cauff. Along with their mother, Lisa, they came to Meals with Meaning via the Sunday meal program to serve our guests. Shortly after, their mother, Lisa, saw an appeal from Summer Faerman, to help make sandwiches. They eagerly said yes. Aidan and Madison started making sandwiches regularly. Many Sundays, I would greet them with trunk popped up and masks on. As we moved through the pandemic, they were encouraged to be creative in thinking of ways to satisfy their desire to help more.


While in 10th grade, these teens became ambassadors for Meals with Meaning and for this community. Thanks to the sponsorship of Olympic Heights teacher, Mrs. Cummings, they founded the “Meals with Meaning” Club. The dynamic and caring twins led this incredible club throughout their junior year. Thanks to Madison, the club has a board comprised of students. This past year, Aidan ensured the timely delivering of the sandwiches to St. Gregory’s. As they head into their senior year, they are confident in passing on the leadership positions to the under classman.


At Meals with Meaning, our slogan is Feeding the Mind, Body & Spirit. This is true for all that come to us. These inspiring teens, Aidan and Madison, fully embrace what being a part of this community can and should be. Caring for one another in ways that speak to you and your own unique talents. Thanks be to God for allowing Meals with Meaning to go beyond our church campus and into the classrooms at Olympic Heights!

In Christ,

Gena Vallee

Director of Outreach

Pastoral Support for Clergy and Youth

Dawn Rahicki