St. Gregory's is a founding congregation in Family Promise, our interfaith network of congregations serving homeless families. Here is a recent story from Family Promise that touched our hearts and made a true difference to one special family.
With businesses closing due to the pandemic, Susana, the primary breadwinner, and her husband were falling behind in their bills. Forced with eviction, Susana sought help for shelter and support by contacting Family Promise South Palm Beach County (SPBC).
After the initial intake call, Susana, her husband and daughter met and interviewed with Family Promise. After passing the initial interview, screening and assessments they were deemed solid candidates for Family Promise's 90 day program which focuses on sustainable independence.
Susana had already found a new job with benefits while Richard was in the final interviewing stages at a new job. Weekly case management and counseling sessions confirmed Susana was determined to achieve her personal and professional goals to ensure she and her family will move on to their next chapter in life. Their daughter has adapted well as a result of their positive parenting and shows no immediate signs of trauma associated with being homeless. Susana, on the other hand, shared past traumatic experiences during her weekly counseling sessions which her Family Promise counselor helped her to address so that she is now better equipped to deal with her feelings of rejection, low self-esteem and heightened anxiety.
Susana and her family have flourished while participating in Family Promise South Palm Beach County's program. Susana has so impressed her employer that she is on the fast-track to management. Her husband is working full-time with the goal or attending a trade school while their daughter continues to be well-adjusted and the driving force for her parents to reach their goal of sustainable independence.
Making A Difference