Have you looked closely at the number of people on our prayer lists each week?  The lists often fill an entire page of the Bulletin insert. One of the ways that our clergy has responded was by forming a group called Caring Callers.

Several years ago Fr. Andrew asked me if I would call 7 folks from our congregation on the list that were unable to attend services.  The circumstances were varied. A member may have been ill or recovering from surgery or taking care of another member of their family. Covid was raging at the beginning of my assignment and so many of our seniors were uncomfortable attending large gatherings. Some people on my lists I did not know, and I wondered if cold calling might seem somewhat intrusive coming from an almost complete stranger.  I encouraged myself to call the people I did know first.


These calls were received in a friendly manner and the members who answered were cordial and responsive.  I was encouraged to call the people I did not know.  I always began each call identifying myself as a member of St. Gregory's and I was calling on behalf of Fr. Andrew and Fr. Ben who were very interested in learning more about the individual and/or family situation.  In all circumstances, those who were called were grateful and usually had the

time to update me on what was happening. On some occasions it seemed important that the members have opportunities to discuss their circumstances more extensively.  I usually asked if there was a way that the clergy or congregation could be of assistance including asking if the person or family might want a Eucharistic minister to come by with the Sacraments. Frequently there was a request for the Eucharist. Following the calls, I would write up very brief summaries for Fr. Andrew so he could be aware of the contacts and whether or not there was a need for further action on behalf of the member or family.


What have I learned?  First, our members welcome contact from our church and seem to feel that they matter whether they can be in attendance or not.

Caring callers is a beneficial way for our clergy to stay in contact with our members who may be home-bound. It has been very satisfying for me to stay in touch with some of our members as I have made some new relationships.


Bill Brockman

Thank You Caring Callers

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Bill Brockman and to all of St. Gregory's incredible Caring Callers who truly make a difference by brightening the days of our parishioners.

Dawn Rahicki