Our altar flowers are an essential part of our worship together each Sunday. Our wonderful Pat Jordan coordinates the beautiful arrangements every week and plans them according to our seasons, our liturgical emphasis, and special occasions. They help define our worship with beauty and dignity reminding us of God’s nature and the beauty of our planet with every gaze upon every flower. 

You might wonder what happens to these beautiful creations every Sunday after they are no longer needed. We have a very dedicated group of individuals who make up our Flower Ministry under the leadership of Maggie Brockman. The altar flowers are carefully dismantled after each service and made into individual arrangements which are delivered to our designated homebound, assisted living, and special needs members along with a wonderful note of encouragement.

During the renovation, most of the floral arrangements have been sent to Boca Rehabilitation Center as our altar flower arrangements are smaller due to the size of our present altar in Harris Hall. 

Maggie Brockman has been working with this ministry for 15 years and we honor her wonderful work which shares a beautiful part of our worship experience with those who cannot be with us. What a joy it must be for these individuals to feel they are a part of St. Gregory’s every week when these beautiful mini arrangements are delivered to them. Maggie is assisted by Andrea Chang and Paula Holgerson when she is out of town or unable to be in church. 

Maggie and her team truly make a difference each week in the lives of so many.


Tim Brumfield

Dawn Rahicki