This Saturday, St. Gregory's will once again venture beyond the church walls and head to the beach to celebrate sending the Shermans off on sabbatical and the end of the program year. We will join together for food fellowship, fun, and a contemplative Eucharist.

"Be still and know that I am God," the psalmist writes. What wisdom is distilled in those simple 8 words that will be our theme that evening. What profound words we can inwardly digest as we cross the threshold into summer, letting go with thanksgiving all the familiar routines that have sustained us this past calendar year.

So join us seaside, this Saturday at South Beach Park at 6 pm as we commune together in God's creation as he makes all things new. Perhaps in our prayers, scripture readings, laughter, and sharing amidst the sounds of the waves and flute, we might encounter God's voice whispering to us: "Be still and know that I am God." And then celebrate with our presence the promise that the Lord of all is indeed with us forever and forever more. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see, oh Holy One! Amen. 


Fr. Ben+

Dawn Rahicki