Last Sunday, we baptized five children. It was a joyous celebration of new life. Baptism is a sacramental event in which water is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace--the pouring of the Holy Spirit into the life of the baptized child. The Church proclaims in this sacred moment that the child is sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever. In baptism, God's eternal life intersects with our earthly life and, as at Jesus' baptism, the heavens are torn apart and our life and God's life embrace in a moment of astonishing grace with eternal significance. I felt so strongly the release of God's spiritual energy among us during our worship. Thanks be to God!

Baptism, thus, is truly making a difference in a person's life. It opens the child to the adventure of growing into their identity as a Child of God and the joy of a lifetime companionship with God in Christ Jesus. It is the sacred work of the Church. What a beautiful moment for these children and their families. What a beautiful moment for all of the rest of us who renewed our baptismal vows.

Alleluia. Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!


The Rev. Andrew J. Sherman, Rector

Note: During last Sunday's 8 AM service we welcomed Genevieve Nya Stewart Wynter into our Famly of God. During the 10 AM service, we welcomed Julia Mae Apolinario, Michael Lucas Caggiano, Navah Rose Grossman, and Tucker Jack Simon into our Family of God.

Dawn Rahicki