Last spring an appeal was made to members of St. Gregory’s to support our parish link in Andranovory Madagascar. We hoped to complete repairs to two of the area schools and to purchase school supplies for the current school year. Your generous response allowed the school repairs to be completed along with the purchase from local sources of basic school supplies for hundreds of school children and their teachers. Below is a letter of thanks from leaders in the Diocese of Toliara acknowledging our support as well as pictures of the children receiving their supplies. It is difficult to see in the pictures but the St. Gregory’s logo appears on their shirts and backpacks…thank you St. Gregory’s!                                                  

The Andranovory Madagascar Committee

Dear Members of St Gregory’s,

Praise the Lord!

Thanks be to God for His amazing grace. Your giving brought smiles to the faces of many kids. The distribution of the school supplies encouraged many people to send their children to school this year. It also persuaded some parents to serve the Lord as they felt blessed, and others have expressed interest in becoming a Christian and attending the local Episcopal church.

The teachers are also very encouraged to teach as they received materials and school supplies to teach the children. They were especially pleased with the increased size and condition of their classrooms.

We at the education department of the Diocese of Toliara are very grateful to have collaborated with you to prepare for the future of Malagasy children. 

Again, thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. Please convey our thanksgiving and gratitude to our dear fellows in Christ.               

Fiadanana and Rev. Soafiavy

Dawn Rahicki